Sunday, September 27, 2015

Support Group, Doctor Appointments, Birthday Card

Dear Hope,

Today (August 17) we went to a support group. I really wanted to go because we need to talk about you. Your Dad wasn’t completely up for it but he went for me. He is good at that, ya know. He is always putting us first.

Of course we got there almost an hour early. Your Dad is the King of early. We were the first ones there. I was getting nervous at 7pm because we were the only ones there. I wanted to talk to others.

Finally others showed up. We started off explaining what happened. I tried to tell our story but I just cried. Your Dad told everyone what happened. After that, I was able to talk. Maybe I just needed to hear from everyone before I felt comfortable. I actually surprised myself. I talked a lot more than I thought I would. It felt good. I felt comfortable enough that I want to go back.

On September 3rd we had our follow up appointment. However, the day before the doctor called with your autopsy results. We would call twice a week to see if they came in. We needed to know what happened. Well bad news, we have no reason for you passing. Although they thought it was genetic, your results came back normal.  The good news, medically we should be able to have a healthy baby when we are ready to try.

I think after we got that news, I became sad again. I was doing really well but knowing there was nothing wrong, made me back track. Why were you chosen to go to heaven?  There was no reason! Why??? We will forever have to live with not knowing why.

Later that week, we had your Grandpop’s birthday.  You know what was hard? How do we sign the card? I wanted to put your name but also couldn’t deal with him reading it out loud and saying your name. Your Dad had a good idea, put Kennedy Family. I liked that idea. I am not sure how we will sign future cards but it works for now.

The next day was Labor Day. It was the first holiday without you. While you would not have been here physically yet, you would have still been with us. I know you were there spiritually but it’s not the same. We spent it quietly at the house.

Another thing that week, our maternity shoot. I am sure I would have stressed out on what to wear. I am always finding outfits at the last minute. However, it was really rainy that day. I think it was a sign from you. You pulled some strings with Mother Nature so we wouldn’t be extra sad that day.  Thank you for that. It helped knowing the shoot would have been rescheduled. Not knowing when the new shoot would have been helps.

On September 16th we had our consultation with the high-risk doctor. We were anxious for this appointment because we had so many questions. We really liked this doctor. He was informal and sounded like he really cared. He really wants us to be able to bring a baby home with us. He thinks there may have been something with a clot so he has me taking fish oil and a low dose of aspirin plus the prenatal. I am starting to bring salads to work and having a glass of milk at night (sometimes twice at night). I am trying my best to be in better health. I am sorry I didn’t do that enough with you. I didn’t try hard enough to protect you.

I miss you BK.



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